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Monday, March 04, 2013

Before God

Recently Congress passed a law that will push forward the use of unmanned drones here in the US. In fact, there is a prediction that, between the federal, state and local governments and local police, there will be as many as 30,000 drones used for surveillance. Some will be as large as passenger planes, but others might be as small as a humming bird – meaning you might not even know they are there.

This action from government – not only allowing this to take place, but actively supporting it – has lots of people upset. Their argument is that it infringes on their right to privacy. I would have to agree it seems as though our government may be overstepping its role, but I also think people have a false idea of privacy.

I think this is especially true when it comes to our spiritual lives. We often believe that as long as nobody sees us – or knows what we are doing – then it doesn't matter what we do. In other words, too many people believe it is only wrong if they get caught. But, we forget that ultimately we don’t answer to a drone-snooping government, but to an all-seeing God. God not only knows our actions, but he knows our very heart. John 3:20, “For whenever our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and he know everything.”

So, let us live our lives knowing that God sees and knows, not only the things we do, but what we think as well. He loves to see the good you are doing. Let us remember what the children’s song says and be careful what we do because the father up above is looking down in love. So first accept the fact you are a sinner, but know that God loves to forgive too. Be confident that someday He will say, "Well Done!"

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