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Tuesday, November 27, 2012


s it just me, or does your mind sometimes wander off on unpredictable tangents? Do stray thoughts and unanswerable questions ever bounce around your brain? Sometimes I wonder....
.....why I was fortunate enough to be born in a free country, and what my life – and my faith – would have been like if I had been born in some other nation?
…..why anyone is willing to jump through all of the unpleasant and grueling hoops necessary to become President of this nation?
.....why the commercials are so much louder than the programs they interrupt? television producers can place a group of carefully selected people in a staged situation, surround them with cameras and sound technicians, coach them to compete in contrived events for a million dollars, and then call it "reality" television? parents who never make any effort to discipline their children when they are young can later be so surprised and disappointed after those sons and daughters later grow up to lead undisciplined and self-destructive lives?
.....why in my lifetime I have heard so few sermons on the sins of laziness and gluttony?
.....why gossiping bad news about someone comes so much more naturally than "gospeling" the good news about Jesus? any preacher can speak of the indescribably great news of God’s grace with a frown on his face, and why some church services I have attended seemed as cheerful as funerals?
…..who I would be – if I would be – if my great-grandfather had never met my great-grandmother?
.....why millions of people spend their hard-earned money on lottery tickets, when the odds of winning those huge jackpots are, for all practical purposes, essentially zero? folks who conscientiously tithe can end up enjoying more financial security than people who never give a nickel to God or good works?
….why God even bothered to create human beings, since he knew in advance (1 Peter 1:18-20; Revelation 13:8) how bothersome they would be and how much it would cost Him to save them?
.....why Christians don't take the second coming of Jesus more seriously, when every other promise the Lord ever made has come true (2 Peter 3:3-10)?
I was just wondering.
– Dan Williams

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