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Saturday, August 29, 2015

Learn the Formula to a Funny Story for Your Next Presentation

How to share a funny story in a presentation.

Unless you're a natural comedian, it's hard to come up with our own comedic material. This three step formula helps anyone come up with an easily scripted joke.

Inc interviewed David Nihill and asked him how inexperienced presenters can add humor to a speech. He says it's easy to find a personal story that related to the topic you're presenting and using it to connect to the audience. Once you find that story, you'll need to:
  1. Set up the story in a relatable way. "You ideally want everyone in the room to be like, 'yeah, that happened to me,'" Nihill said.
  2. Get specific and make it about it you. Start telling them about your own crazy experience.
  3. Deliver the unexpected. At this point, the audience assumes that they know where you're going with this. But you're most likely to get a laugh if you can surprise them.

If you've watched Seinfeld, you'll see that they often follow this formula in some way. You may not get your own TV show by following this, but you'll be able to use humor to get the audience to chuckle a few times and stay engaged.

For more on this, go to
How to Be Truly Funny in Your Next Presentation |

For humor, go to my blog at

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