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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Because I wanted you to be happy!

There is a story of a young boy who sat down and poured out his heart to God about what he wanted for his future. The boy asked God if he could live in a mansion when he grew up. He also wanted to marry a tall, blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl and have three boys. He was even specific about what he wanted his boys to do when they grew up. He wanted one of them to be a politician, another to be a business man, and one to be a quarterback. He only had one more request, and that was that one day he would climb great mountains and be a great adventurer.

Well, the boy grew up. He ended up hurting his knee in football and could not even climb a tree — let alone a great mountain. He had to live in the city in an apartment for his job. He ended up falling in love and marrying a short, brown-haired, brown-eyed girl. He had three lovely daughters. One grew up to be a teacher, one a nurse and one a writer. He lived a good and happy life. It was not until he was an older man that he remembered the prayer he made as child. Looking back on all the things he wanted and did not get, the man became depressed. In his sadness he cried out to God and asked why he didn’t get what he wanted. God simply replied, "Because I wanted you to be happy."

God has promised us that He will give us good gifts (Matthew 7:11). Are you seeing the blessings God has for you? He knows what we need better than we do. Let us put our faith and trust in him.


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