The Power To Overcome
—Douglas F. Parsons
I remember as a kid watching a movie in which a huckster went from town to town with a huge rattlesnake in a glass cage. The man would cover the glass with a blanket and walk into the local saloon and would bet the toughest, bravest man in town would not be able to hold his hand against the glass without jerking it back when the rattlesnake struck. When the citizens chose their challenger the huckster tore the blanket off to reveal the biggest, most menacing, evil-eyed reptile ever seen by man. Annoyed by the light and noise, the snake coiled to strike, his rattles buzzing nervously. The toughest, bravest man would break out in a cold sweat. But prodded by the expectation of his friends, he moved his hand toward the glass. The snake coiled even tighter. Slowly the man inched his hand toward the glass and finally touched it. As he did, the snake struck with fury. And reflexively, the toughest, bravest man jerked his hand away. The huckster had won again.
Why? Because no matter how big and brave and tough the men were, the threat of that striking reptile through the invisible glass was a fearsome thing. The only thing between them and certain death was a thin pane of glass.
I have often thought what a great metaphor that scenario was for spiritual warfare. The snake is Satan and the forces of evil. The glass is Jesus. As long as we stay on the right side of the glass, we have nothing to fear. Of course, if we go sticking our hand inside the box, there is plenty of danger. But for those on the safe side of the glass, for those who live a life of faith and obedience to Christ, there is nothing to fear. The only ones terrorized by the evil inside the cage are those who do not trust the glass to keep them safe, or those who stick their hands inside the glass.
There are two important things we must understand about spiritual warfare: first, there is real danger on the wrong side of the glass; and second, we are safe on the right side of the glass, no matter how fearful things appear. But what does that mean? It means we must submit to God in all things and resist the devil (James 4:7).
One of the keys to winning spiritual warfare is "to know when to hold'em and when to fold'em." We need to fight when we should fight, and flee when we should flee. Do you want to run away from your financial obligations? Stand and fight. Are you trying to grow spiritually? Stand and fight. Is it hard to improve family relationships? Stand and fight. Are you tempted to toy with a relationship that isn't Christ-centered? Flee. Are you tempted to buy something you can't afford? Flee. Are you tempted to put together a deal that isn't totally honest? Flee.
Resist the efforts of Satan to accuse you and bury you with guilt. Be on guard against his wiles. Recognize them. And stand firm against him in the strength God provides.